Is singing good for you?

How joining an online choir can boost your health

If you love to sing - in the shower or along with the radio - the good news is that now you can join an online choir and belt out some tunes at home! Singing with an online choir means anyone can join, wherever you are, no matter what your level of skill or experience. You can learn songs and improve your singing ability, become part of a community and have fun along the way.

As well as an enjoyable hobby, singing is proven to have benefits for your mental and physical health.

What happens to your body when you sing?

When you sing, your brains releases endorphins and oxytocin which naturally relieve stress and lower anxiety levels. Singing can also help to lower blood pressure and produce a calming effect on the body.

“I’ve been a Some Voices member for around 5 years and the weekly rehearsals have been such a constant mood-lifter in challenging times. The online choir has reminded me of the amazing power of a good sing, and I’ve felt so much better for doing it.” Eleanor

Singing is an aerobic activity that exercises major muscle groups including the lungs and diaphragm, helping you improve your cardiovascular fitness and encouraging you to take in more oxygen which can make you feel more alert.

Singing has also been proven to boost your IQ and improve your memory. So not only can you learn those lyrics to your favourite songs but doing so will help your memory skills and cognitive ability.

Does singing make you healthy?

The positive effects of singing can help to strengthen your immune system by counteracting stress which lowers your ability to fight off illness. Singing has also been shown to increase immune-boosting antibodies and research has shown the extra airflow can reduce the risk of bacteria in your respiratory tract. 

Singing improves your lung capacity and helps you breathe more easily. Breathing exercises as part of online choir rehearsals are a great way to improve your singing skills and let you sing louder and longer without damaging your voice.

Standing up straight to sing improves your posture. As part of online choir sessions, you join in with a physical warm up to make sure you are engaging your muscles and singing with a good posture which has positive benefits for both your singing skills and your physical health.

Singing has been proven to relieve pain as endorphins act in a similar way to morphine – without the risks. Although our members find that singing can also be addictive!

“I just pray that people realise how much singing can lift your mood, whether you’re a great singer or never sung before... Believe me.... It helps so much. I'm so grateful for our Some Voices community.” Elizabeth

Is singing good for your mental health?

As well as physical benefits, singing is proven to reduce anxiety and depression, especially when singing together with others.

“I joined the choir having never sung before. I have had the best time - it has helped me manage my anxiety like nothing else has ever done. I’ve found having to focus on learning a song has really helped my anxiety.” Carrie-Ann

When you concentrate on singing, you are focused solely on the activity which allows you to ‘turn off’ from distractions and negative thoughts. Mindful activities like singing are proven to have benefits including stress relief and improved focus. 

Singing is a great way to increase your confidence and self-esteem. By singing from the safety of your own home, you can improve your skills and learn new techniques, all without an audience so no nerves or judgement. By joining in with an online choir, you can connect with others who enjoy singing and become part of a community. Our members find being part of Some Voices choir makes them feel less isolated.

"I’ve made loads of great friends through Some Voices and being able to get together every week and sing online has made a world of difference and stopped me feeling so lonely.” Sarah

By learning and practising a range of songs with different moods, you can express your emotions in a safe outlet. Taking part in our virtual performances is a great way to be creative from the comfort of your own home and our videos and Spotify albums are something you can be proud to be a part of.

How can I join an online choir?

Some Voices have a series of online rehearsals on our YouTube channel for free, including learning songs, finding your voice part and our Virtual Voices videos where you can practice your part.

You can also book a virtual rehearsal for your team or company event - this is how it works:

Find out more at

Some Voices

SOME VOICES started small in 2010, with seven chorus members meeting up to perform original arrangements of popular classics that range from Bowie to Bjork, from Stevie Wonder to Stevie Nicks, from Folk to Hip Hop, and everything in between - all with a Some Voices twist.

Nine years down the line, more than 1500 singers are now part of the exciting ensemble that performs on some of the biggest stages in London. KOKO, The Southbank Centre, Oval Space,The Rivoli Ballroom, The Grand Clapham, HERE and The Troxy have all seen the group attract audiences in their thousands